The logical choice for your septic inspection
CALL 914-734-7710
EMAIL SepticLogic@gmail.com
Septic Logic
Licensed Insured Certified
5 Reasons to have Your Septic System Inspected by a Professional
1. Many people are not familiar with their septic system.
2. Home inspectors do not normally inspect the system.
3. Most people are unsure as to when a septic system should be pumped out.
4. Septic systems today can be the most expensive component of a home.
5. Today's septic systems are more complex, more temperamental, and need more attention in order to function properly.

Title Transfers
Any time there is a transfer of title (home sale); the septic system should be inspected.
The inspection will allow the seller a chance to bring the system back up to the operating standards prior to changing the title.
Full Disclosure is of the upmost importance from a realtors's perspective and a septic system inspection, reveals much, about one of the most expensive components of the home.
This inspection will give the new owners a base line in which to judge performance over the life of the septic system.
Pumping a septic system that has not been properly inspected, does not ensure a septic system is working properly . Pumping the septic tank is only one component of the maintenance needed on septic systems.
At Septic Logic, we have the knowledge, equipment, and training in place to ensure your septic system inspections are done properly and in a timely manner.